Missing out on sleep is about more than feeling tired — when you aren’t getting proper rest, you’re more likely to be stressed, overweight, unfocused at work, involved in a car accident, or even susceptible to illnesses like diabetes or a heart attack. This is why learning how to sleep better is a vital component of improved health and wellness.

To prioritize the need for sleep in your life, give these 10 top tips for a better night’s sleep a try:

Set aside your bedroom. If you’re like a lot of people, you use your bedroom for more than sleeping quarters. It may be the space where you watch television, work on your computer, eat, play with your kids, work out and/or pay bills. The problem, however, is that when your bedroom becomes less restful and more cluttered, it becomes a less conducive space for sleep. Avoid using your bedroom as a part-time office, gym or play area, and designate it instead as a haven of rest.

Go dark. The body’s natural sleep patterns rely on darkness, so even little traces of light can interrupt a solid night of rest. To combat this possibility, get blackout shades for your windows that block all traces of light. The darker and calmer your bedroom, the more likely it is to help you sleep.

Invest in a good mattress. There are many different kinds of mattresses on the market today, so finding the right one for you is a matter of determining your preferences. Talk with a mattress professional about your specific sleep habits, sleep positions, etc., and pick a mattress to suit you.

Seal that mattress. One of the biggest allergy triggers in a home is a mattress, something that’s prone to collecting dust, mold and other irritants over time. To prevent these annoyances from disrupting your sleep, seal the mattress and box spring with an airtight, dust-proof cover.

Pick the right pillow. Keeping your neck and head comfortable is a necessary part of good sleep habits. One of the best tips for a better night’s sleep is to know your typical sleep position (back, side or stomach) and pick the pillow that accommodates your head most comfortably.

Turn off technology. At least an hour before bed, detach from technology — and that includes your cellphone, computer, television and even digital clock if you have one. The light from these screens can damage your body’s ability to wind down, so make it easier on yourself by eliminating the distractions.

Set good habits. Going to bed at the same time each night and waking at the same time each morning can help your body establish basic rhythms of wakefulness and rest. Likewise, skip napping if possible, or take only short, 20-minute naps when necessary. This will help your body remember nighttime is the time to sleep.

Place a pillow between your legs. If you’re one of the many Americans dealing with lower back pain at night, try putting an extra pillow between your legs while sleeping on your side, or under your knees when sleeping on your back. This can counteract the misalignment that causes pain, freeing your body to rest.

Cut back on afternoon caffeine. As great as coffee tastes, if you drink it too late in the day, it can make it hard to sleep at night. Cut yourself off from caffeinated foods and beverages after noon each day in order to ensure you sleep well.

Exercise strategically. A good daily workout can improve your sleep patterns, but not if it’s done right before bed. Save any vigorous exercise for early in the day or afternoon, and try more gentle stretches, yoga or meditation exercises near bedtime.

When you want to know how to sleep better, use the sleeping tips above to help your body rest. By thinking carefully about what you do and consume each day, you can move yourself toward effective restful habits and a more balanced life.

Interested in learning more about quality mattresses and how they can help you sleep? Contact Tampa Bay Mattresses today to speak with a professional about the right mattress for you!

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